Academic monographs
Ushiyama, R. (2022). Aum Shinrikyō and Religious Terrorism in Japanese Collective Memory. British Academy Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Ushiyama, R. (2025) ‘Expanding the “Third Space” between Western and non-Western knowledge: Nakane Chie’s Japanese Society as anti-Eurocentric theory’, The Sociological Review, OnlineFirst, 1-20.
Baert P., Morgan, M., and Ushiyama, R. (2022) ‘Existence Theory: Outline for a Theory of Social Behaviour.’ Journal of Classical Sociology 22(1): 7-29.
Ushiyama, R. (2021) ‘‘‘Comfort Women Must Fall’? Japanese governmental responses to ‘comfort women’ statues around the world.’ Memory Studies 14(6): 1255-1271.
Ushiyama, R. (2019) ‘Discursive opportunities and the transnational diffusion of ideas: ‘brainwashing’ and ‘mind control’ in Japan after the Aum Affair’. British Journal of Sociology 70(5): 1730-1753.
Ushiyama, R. (2019) ‘Latency through uncertainty: the 1994 Matsumoto Sarin Incident as a delayed cultural trauma’. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 32(1): 21-41.
Ushiyama, R. and Baert, P. (2016) ‘Cultural trauma, counter-narratives and dialogical intellectuals: the works of Murakami Haruki and Mori Tatsuya in the context of the Aum Affair’. Theory and Society 45(6): 471–499.
Ushiyama, R. (2014) ‘Richard Dawkins as a public intellectual after The God Delusion: a British study’. American Journal of Cultural Sociology 2(3): 300-326.
Editorials in journals
Jaworsky, B.N., Lo, MCL, Morgan, M., Thorpe, C. and Ushiyama, R. (2022) ‘Editorial Statement: Visions for Cultural Sociology in Uncertain Times’, Cultural Sociology.
Special Issue Guest Co-editor with Baert P. and Morgan, M. (2022) ‘Existence Theory: Outline for a Theory of Social Behaviour.’ Journal of Classical Sociology, 22(1): 3-116
Baert, P., Morgan, M., and Ushiyama, R. (2022) Introduction to the special issue on existence theory. Journal of Classical Sociology 22(1): 3–6.
Baert, P., Morgan, M., and Ushiyama, R. (2022) Existence theory revisited: A reply to our critics. Journal of Classical Sociology 22(1): 107–116.
Book chapters in edited collections
Ushiyama, R. (2020) ‘Reactions to legal challenges by Aum Shinrikyō and its successor organisations’, Barker, E. and Richardson, J.T. (Eds.) Reactions to the Law by Minority Religions. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 169-187.
Ushiyama, R. (2019) ‘Commemorating violence in and beyond liberal democracies’. In British Academy (Ed.) Violence and Democracy. London: British Academy, pp. 13-17.
Ushiyama, R. (2019) ‘Oumu Shinrikyō jiken o meguru kioku to tsuitō ni tsuite no ichi kōsatsu’ (‘Considerations on the memory and commemoration of the Aum Shinrikyō Affair’). Shinshin Hen’yō Gihō Kenkyū Nenpō, Vol 8, pp. 65-77 (Essay in annual edited collection).
Book reviews
Ushiyama, R. (2021) ‘Shu-Mei Huang and Hyun Kyung Lee, Heritage, Memory, and Punishment: Remembering Colonial Prisons in East Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, 2020, 208 pages’, Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change 6(1).
Magazine/News Articles:
Ushiyama, R. (2023) ‘Cults, Violence, and the Politics of Victimhood in Japan’, The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice Autumn 2023 Newsletter.
Ushiyama, R. (2022) ‘The View From Elsewhere – Photography and Memory‘, Source Photographic Review, Issue 107.